Hey... In addition to the flowers (red roses??) that we're giving Tang tmr, let's give him this too!
Random Hamster pics XD Hang In There!
Sir Hamster
Matrix Reloaded Hamster
TANGo-dancing Hamster
Healthy Hamster
Epiphany while reading Cancer notes:
the miserably minute male population of our class faces extreme danger, cos over exposure to oestrogen is carcinogenic.
Hey check this out! This is NOT created by moi!
Click here!
Trigo equation
Hey...for those of you who didn't receive the halogen compounds tutorial...here it is.
Click, and select to view in its original size, and save.
36 Methods of Mathematical ProofProof by obviousness"The proof is so clear that it need not be mentioned."Proof by general agreement"All in favor? ..."Proof by imagination"Well, we'll pretend it's true ..."Proof by convenience"It would be very nice if it were true, so ..."Proof by necessity"It had better be true, or the entire structure of mathematics would crumble to the ground."Proof by plausibility"It sounds good, so it must be true."Proof by intimidation"
Don't be stupid; of course it's true."Proof by lack of sufficient time"Because of the time constraint, I'll leave the proof to you."Proof by postponement"The proof for this is long and arduous, so it is given in the appendix."Proof by accident"Hey, what have we here?!"Proof by insignificance"Who really cares, anyway?"Proof by mumbo-jumbo"as%srfee45 bertw et45"Proof by profanity(example omitted)Proof by definition"We define it to be true."Proof by tautology"It's true because it's true."
Proof by plagiarism"As we see on page 289 ......"
Proof by lost reference"I know I saw it somewhere ......"Proof by calculus"This proof requires calculus, so we'll skip it."Proof by terrorWhen intimidation fails ...Proof by lack of interest"Does anyone really want to see this?"Proof by illegibility(scribble, scribble) QEDProof by logic"If it is on the problem sheet, then it must be true!"Proof by majority ruleOnly to be used if general agreement is impossibleProof by clever variable choice"Let A be the number such that this proof works ..."
Proof by tessellation"This proof is the same as the last."Proof by divine word"
And the Lord said, 'Let it be true,' and it was true."Proof by stubbornness"I don't care what you say-it is true!"Proof by simplification"
This proof reduces to the statement 1 + 1 = 2."
Proof by hasty generalization"
Well, it works for 17, so it works for all reals."
Proof by deception"
Now everyone turn their backs ..."Proof by supplication"
Oh please, let it be true."Proof by poor analogy"
Well, it's just like ..."Proof by avoidanceLimit of proof by postponement as it approaches infinity.
Proof by designIf it's not true in today's math, invent a new system in which it is.Proof by authority"Well, says it's true, so it must be!"Proof by intuition"I just have this gut feeling ..."
The Law of KnowledgeHi ppl, I am pleased to announce u all, The Law of Knowledge!!! *applause*
First of all wif the eqn,
Power = Money (like u noe, u can blackmail ppl) ___ (1)
The higher rank u r in the company, the more money u earn...
Knowledge = Time _____ (2)
Of coz, if u wan 2 get gd result, u muz spend ur time mugging!!!
By PHYSICS, we noe,
Power = Rate of workdone =>
Power = Workdone / Time _____ (3)
By substituting eqn (1) and (2) into (3), we will get...
Money = Workdone / Knowledge
The more money u have, the more employees u can hire, of coz there r more works done. We all u noe tat...
However, more importantly, since
Money = 1 / Knowledge
As knowledge => 0, money=> infinity
Wow!!!!!!! HOOOOOOO!!!! Say Say Say!!!! No need to elaborate further liao...
Hey... In addition to the flowers (red roses??) that we're giving Tang tmr, let's give him this too!
Random Hamster pics XD Hang In There!
Sir Hamster
Matrix Reloaded Hamster
TANGo-dancing Hamster
Healthy Hamster
Epiphany while reading Cancer notes:
the miserably minute male population of our class faces extreme danger, cos over exposure to oestrogen is carcinogenic.
Hey check this out! This is NOT created by moi!
Click here!
Trigo equation
Hey...for those of you who didn't receive the halogen compounds tutorial...here it is.
Click, and select to view in its original size, and save.
36 Methods of Mathematical ProofProof by obviousness"The proof is so clear that it need not be mentioned."Proof by general agreement"All in favor? ..."Proof by imagination"Well, we'll pretend it's true ..."Proof by convenience"It would be very nice if it were true, so ..."Proof by necessity"It had better be true, or the entire structure of mathematics would crumble to the ground."Proof by plausibility"It sounds good, so it must be true."Proof by intimidation"
Don't be stupid; of course it's true."Proof by lack of sufficient time"Because of the time constraint, I'll leave the proof to you."Proof by postponement"The proof for this is long and arduous, so it is given in the appendix."Proof by accident"Hey, what have we here?!"Proof by insignificance"Who really cares, anyway?"Proof by mumbo-jumbo"as%srfee45 bertw et45"Proof by profanity(example omitted)Proof by definition"We define it to be true."Proof by tautology"It's true because it's true."
Proof by plagiarism"As we see on page 289 ......"
Proof by lost reference"I know I saw it somewhere ......"Proof by calculus"This proof requires calculus, so we'll skip it."Proof by terrorWhen intimidation fails ...Proof by lack of interest"Does anyone really want to see this?"Proof by illegibility(scribble, scribble) QEDProof by logic"If it is on the problem sheet, then it must be true!"Proof by majority ruleOnly to be used if general agreement is impossibleProof by clever variable choice"Let A be the number such that this proof works ..."
Proof by tessellation"This proof is the same as the last."Proof by divine word"
And the Lord said, 'Let it be true,' and it was true."Proof by stubbornness"I don't care what you say-it is true!"Proof by simplification"
This proof reduces to the statement 1 + 1 = 2."
Proof by hasty generalization"
Well, it works for 17, so it works for all reals."
Proof by deception"
Now everyone turn their backs ..."Proof by supplication"
Oh please, let it be true."Proof by poor analogy"
Well, it's just like ..."Proof by avoidanceLimit of proof by postponement as it approaches infinity.
Proof by designIf it's not true in today's math, invent a new system in which it is.Proof by authority"Well, says it's true, so it must be!"Proof by intuition"I just have this gut feeling ..."
The Law of KnowledgeHi ppl, I am pleased to announce u all, The Law of Knowledge!!! *applause*
First of all wif the eqn,
Power = Money (like u noe, u can blackmail ppl) ___ (1)
The higher rank u r in the company, the more money u earn...
Knowledge = Time _____ (2)
Of coz, if u wan 2 get gd result, u muz spend ur time mugging!!!
By PHYSICS, we noe,
Power = Rate of workdone =>
Power = Workdone / Time _____ (3)
By substituting eqn (1) and (2) into (3), we will get...
Money = Workdone / Knowledge
The more money u have, the more employees u can hire, of coz there r more works done. We all u noe tat...
However, more importantly, since
Money = 1 / Knowledge
As knowledge => 0, money=> infinity
Wow!!!!!!! HOOOOOOO!!!! Say Say Say!!!! No need to elaborate further liao...
27.01.06 >> CNY Celebrations [1]
31.01.06 >> CNY Gathering at Cass' house [1][2]
06.02.06 >> Chapteh Competition [1]
10.02.06 >> Day of O Level Release [1][2][3]
11.02.06 >> HC LeaP Programme: Grooming [1]
13.02.06 >> Melissa's Concert after debate [1]
14.02.06 >> Valentine's / Friendship Day [1][2]
15.02.06 >> Class Photo Session [1]
17.02.06 >> Total Defence Military Uniform Competition Prelim Judging [1]
18.02.06 >> JTS [1][2][3]
22.02.06 >> Total Defence Celebrations [1]
24.02.06 >> Red Nose Day [1]
03.03.06 >> JAE Posting Results + Miss Zhang's Last Lesson [1][2]
29.04.06 >> Ares Fac Outing [1]
06.05.06 >> Symphonic Band Concert (Capriccio XXII) [1]
16.05.06 >> 33rd Student Council Investiture [1]
17.05.06 >> Class Photo Session II [1]
19.05.06 >> Miss Tang's Farewell [1]
24.05.06 >> Miss Ong's Farewell [1]
29.05.06 >> Class Chalet [1]
06.10.06 >> Class Photo Session III [1]
12.01.07 >> Orientation Campfire [1][2][3]
16.02.07 >> STJ [1]
18.02.07 >> CNY Celebrations [1]
About 4 hour breaks [1][2]
Palette [1]
Script and Video Production Sabbaticals [1]
Random Stuff [1][2][3]