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06 March 2006

Biology Pre-Lecture Test 1 Revision Exercise

Answer Key


  1. give the name of one molecule that could be: [3]
    1. molecule A - nucleic acid;; (DNA or RNA also accepted)
    2. molecule B - amino acids;; (vitamins or chlorophyll also accepted)
    3. molecule C - cellulose;;
  2. Explain why molecule C is a good structural molecule whereas molecule D is only good for storage. [4]

    Note: molecule C is cellulose and molecule D is amylose

    Molecule C: each monomer rotated 180˚ wrt its neighbour; to form long straight chains; -OH groups sticking out to hydrogen bond with those of adjacent strand; giving rigid structure, tensile strength;

    Molecule D: adjacent monomers form a 120˚ bond angle, causing the amylase molecule to coil up to form a compact structure occupying little space; large polysaccharide of many monoers, insoluble, thus not affecting water potential

  3. State one way in which the structure of collagen differs from the structure of molecule C. [1]

    Must give comparative statement!

    Monomers being amino acids; in collagen but monomers are β-glucose; in molecule C (i.e. cellulose)

    amino acid units joined by peptide bonds in collagen; but β-glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds in molecule C.

    extended helix; in collagen but straight chains; of cellulose.


    1. Name the parts labelled A and B. [2]

      A: glycerol;

      B: fatty acid;;

    2. Name this type of lipid. [1]


    3. Name the chemical reaction used to form the bonds between A and B. [1]


    1. State one function of this type of lipid in living organisms. [1]

      energy source or store;; insulation;; waterproofing;; protection;;

    2. State one feature of the molecules of this type of lipid which makes them suitable for the function you have given. [1]

      High energy value;; insoluble;; poor conductor of heat;; hydrophobic;;


  1. List two structural features represented in the diagram that are common to all enzymes. [2]

    disulphide bonds formed between residues far apart on the polypeptide chain; ribonuclease is a globular protein.

    presence of active site; which is a pocket or groove on the surface of the protein;

  2. Use this information to describe why ribonuclease becomes inactive.

    ref. mercaptoethanol breaks down disulphide bonds between as far apart on the polypeptide chain;

    e.g. between residues 26 and 84, between residues 40 and 95, between residues 58 and 110, as well as between residues 65 and 72;

    ref. loss of 3-dimensional conformation;

    active site; no longer complementary; to sbustrate

    cannot form enzyme-substrate complex;