20 things to do when you are bored...
1.Loosen the lug nuts on your dad's new car.
2. Drop your cat from a high place, to see if it really does land on all four feet.
3. Repeat above until failure.
4.Rotate your garden...daily.
5. Plant a shoe.
6.Write a book about a previous life.
7. Count to a million...fast.
8.Think shallow thoughts.
9. Run around in squares.
10.Boil ice cream.
11.Donate your brother's body to science.
12.Sharpen your sleeping skills.
13.Start a fire.
14.Put out the fire.
15.Translate Shakespeare into English.
16.Ionize your new chemistry teaacher (remember you took the heat capacity of the first one).
17.Prove once and for all that a cow can jump over the moon.
18.Complain to God that Jupiter has more moons than we do.
19.Make a list of things to do when bored.
20.Renumber the bored list...
Note: Have fun in your boring session.
20 things to do when you are bored...
1.Loosen the lug nuts on your dad's new car.
2. Drop your cat from a high place, to see if it really does land on all four feet.
3. Repeat above until failure.
4.Rotate your garden...daily.
5. Plant a shoe.
6.Write a book about a previous life.
7. Count to a million...fast.
8.Think shallow thoughts.
9. Run around in squares.
10.Boil ice cream.
11.Donate your brother's body to science.
12.Sharpen your sleeping skills.
13.Start a fire.
14.Put out the fire.
15.Translate Shakespeare into English.
16.Ionize your new chemistry teaacher (remember you took the heat capacity of the first one).
17.Prove once and for all that a cow can jump over the moon.
18.Complain to God that Jupiter has more moons than we do.
19.Make a list of things to do when bored.
20.Renumber the bored list...
Note: Have fun in your boring session.
27.01.06 >> CNY Celebrations [1]
31.01.06 >> CNY Gathering at Cass' house [1][2]
06.02.06 >> Chapteh Competition [1]
10.02.06 >> Day of O Level Release [1][2][3]
11.02.06 >> HC LeaP Programme: Grooming [1]
13.02.06 >> Melissa's Concert after debate [1]
14.02.06 >> Valentine's / Friendship Day [1][2]
15.02.06 >> Class Photo Session [1]
17.02.06 >> Total Defence Military Uniform Competition Prelim Judging [1]
18.02.06 >> JTS [1][2][3]
22.02.06 >> Total Defence Celebrations [1]
24.02.06 >> Red Nose Day [1]
03.03.06 >> JAE Posting Results + Miss Zhang's Last Lesson [1][2]
29.04.06 >> Ares Fac Outing [1]
06.05.06 >> Symphonic Band Concert (Capriccio XXII) [1]
16.05.06 >> 33rd Student Council Investiture [1]
17.05.06 >> Class Photo Session II [1]
19.05.06 >> Miss Tang's Farewell [1]
24.05.06 >> Miss Ong's Farewell [1]
29.05.06 >> Class Chalet [1]
06.10.06 >> Class Photo Session III [1]
12.01.07 >> Orientation Campfire [1][2][3]
16.02.07 >> STJ [1]
18.02.07 >> CNY Celebrations [1]
About 4 hour breaks [1][2]
Palette [1]
Script and Video Production Sabbaticals [1]
Random Stuff [1][2][3]