Hot stuff!?!? Ceh...
Zoologists have proved that male lions with darker hair,
especially black hair on their head are sexually more attractive
than those with light hair. Bcos of tis darker hair, it absorbs more
heat under the hot sun in Africa. Because they are ''hotter'', their
body temperature is higher. As we know, high body temperature
would affect sperm production. That is the reason why male lions
with darker hair have a higher amount of abnormal sperm.
So the moral of the story:
Being a hot stuff doesnt make you to be king of the jungle.
Hot stuff has more abnormal sperms.
Hot stuff!?!? Ceh...
Zoologists have proved that male lions with darker hair,
especially black hair on their head are sexually more attractive
than those with light hair. Bcos of tis darker hair, it absorbs more
heat under the hot sun in Africa. Because they are ''hotter'', their
body temperature is higher. As we know, high body temperature
would affect sperm production. That is the reason why male lions
with darker hair have a higher amount of abnormal sperm.
So the moral of the story:
Being a hot stuff doesnt make you to be king of the jungle.
Hot stuff has more abnormal sperms.
27.01.06 >> CNY Celebrations [1]
31.01.06 >> CNY Gathering at Cass' house [1][2]
06.02.06 >> Chapteh Competition [1]
10.02.06 >> Day of O Level Release [1][2][3]
11.02.06 >> HC LeaP Programme: Grooming [1]
13.02.06 >> Melissa's Concert after debate [1]
14.02.06 >> Valentine's / Friendship Day [1][2]
15.02.06 >> Class Photo Session [1]
17.02.06 >> Total Defence Military Uniform Competition Prelim Judging [1]
18.02.06 >> JTS [1][2][3]
22.02.06 >> Total Defence Celebrations [1]
24.02.06 >> Red Nose Day [1]
03.03.06 >> JAE Posting Results + Miss Zhang's Last Lesson [1][2]
29.04.06 >> Ares Fac Outing [1]
06.05.06 >> Symphonic Band Concert (Capriccio XXII) [1]
16.05.06 >> 33rd Student Council Investiture [1]
17.05.06 >> Class Photo Session II [1]
19.05.06 >> Miss Tang's Farewell [1]
24.05.06 >> Miss Ong's Farewell [1]
29.05.06 >> Class Chalet [1]
06.10.06 >> Class Photo Session III [1]
12.01.07 >> Orientation Campfire [1][2][3]
16.02.07 >> STJ [1]
18.02.07 >> CNY Celebrations [1]
About 4 hour breaks [1][2]
Palette [1]
Script and Video Production Sabbaticals [1]
Random Stuff [1][2][3]