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:) :( :D :p :(( :)) :x

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Image from: Casseander
(big thanks to Ruixiong from 70 too)
Skin by: sixseven
Powered by: blogger

17 September 2007

hello here is an update :D

ohno no more proper school so here are some pictures ok got postprelims asjdhfjksdg actually still got prelims grar but what is a stem cell nvm i know i got some good enough

hey there delilah

ohh whatd you do to me

why nvr look at me
it is a sad time before a sad event

during sdjfhasdkahemgplessonahemahemajksdhfs
so happy together

sorry all _ _ _ _ fanclub members lets have a brand new start after As T.T ok like a bit late but nvm

okwth may the words pls match the pics if they dont then use ur own discretion

there are better days ahead !
